The Promise of True AI

Big Tech is promising a world of AI assistants that will understand our needs and do what we can’t or don’t want to do. They suggest we’ll soon have “human-level” AI or better that will unlock nearly limitless productivity and enrich society in unimaginable ways.

Their hype is writing checks…

“The world’s top experts in AI all agree that AI will eventually surpass human intelligence – and sooner than most people think.”

Nick Bostrom, Oxford University

“Generative AI is still in its early stages, and we have only scratched the surface of what it can do”

Sam Altman, CEO OpenAI

"Generative AI has the power to...make our lives easier, more productive, and more creative."

Bill Gates

“AI is one of the most important things humanity is working on. It’s more profound than electricity or fire.”

Sundar Pichai, CEO Google

“Generative AI is the most powerful tool for creativity that has ever been created. It has the potential to unleash a new era of human innovation.”

Elon Musk

"[Generative AI] also has the potential to solve some of the world’s biggest problems, such as climate change, poverty, and disease."

Bill Gates

..their tech can’t cash.

Users are discovering that these AI applications do not understand the meaning of words, have no common sense, produce false, inconsistent, and biased output, and do not learn from or remember what they are told. Further they are prone to misuse and harm and consume vast computational, environmental, and financial resources.

But as the hype of today’s AI further collides into its reality, the AI landscape is about to change forever.

“The world’s top experts in AI all agree that AI will eventually surpass human intelligence – and sooner than most people think.”

Nick Bostrom, Oxford University

“Generative AI is still in its early stages, and we have only scratched the surface of what it can do”

Sam Altman, CEO OpenAI

"Generative AI has the power to...make our lives easier, more productive, and more creative."

Bill Gates

“AI is one of the most important things humanity is working on. It’s more profound than electricity or fire.”

Sundar Pichai, CEO Google

“Generative AI is the most powerful tool for creativity that has ever been created. It has the potential to unleash a new era of human innovation.”

Elon Musk

"[Generative AI] also has the potential to solve some of the world’s biggest problems, such as climate change, poverty, and disease."

Bill Gates

Introducing Synthetic Intelligence

A new partnership between people and thinking machines.

Until now, only humans had the capacity to understand reality through abstract ideas and logical reasoning.

Today our Synthetic Intelligence achieves this in computers and augments it with unlimited processing power, connectivity, and memory.

The Promise of Real AI…

Humankind builds tools to enhance and extend our natural abilities. Our defining talent is our ability to acquire and apply knowledge.

Combining this ability with the speed, repeatability, connectivity, and perfect memories of computers would produce the ultimate machine, one that could potentially solve even the world’s most intractable problems and create unlimited productivity.

…from a Contrarian Approach

New Sapience broke with the convention that artificial intelligence must imitate natural intelligence, and returned to first principles.

We asked, “If the goal is to endow machines with practical knowledge of reality, can this knowledge be engineered?” Just like a synthetic diamond is real, but engineered?

The answer to this question has led to a series of stunning breakthroughs and a technology poised to deliver on the promise of thinking machines.

First Principles

Deep thinkers and the philosophical minded should start here. Discover how New Sapience is laying the foundation for a new science of machine intelligence.

Cutting Through AI Hype

Skeptical that current chatbots are anything more than “autocomplete on steroids?” Start here for a tour of what imitative AI is, is not, and never will be.

Our Technology

You don’t need to be technical to understand our approach. But if you already know about current AI, you will need the flexibility of mind to “unlearn” some of it.

Products and Applications

How we aim to build our technology into multiple product lines and create what we anticipate will be an extraordinary business.


How we got here. Learn how New Sapience achieved what no one else could by taking a contrarian approach.

Delivering on the Promise

Experience a vison of human life in a world where everyone can partner with a selfless companion of unlimited knowledge and deep intelligence.

By investing in New Sapience, you’re not just supporting innovation.

You’re unlocking transformative potential for humanity.