
for Individuals


for Individuals

Companion Role Models

A sapiens role-model is a plug-in module that consists both of specialized knowledge – extensions to the baseline sapiens world model – and processing subroutines that enable the sapiens to emulate human roles. For example, a child’s Companion would be enhanced with both Playmate and Tutor specialties. Like humans, sapiens will be able to switch between roles seamlessly when requested or based on contextual cues. There is no limit to how many specialties a sapiens can have and we anticipate that eventually hundreds will be developed and available for download on the New Sapience online store.

The Caregiver

Anyone who has ever had to deal with a long-term illness will immediately recognize what a blessing the caregiver role-model will be. 

The Truly Smart Home

Today, a glut of digital products are marketed for the home and every item seems to have its own app or remote. Today, remote sensors and data gathered from mobile platforms such as drones offer the potential to ensure the safe operation and structural integrity of industrial and civil infrastructure – but manual analysis of accumulated masses of data is expensive and error prone. The Smart Home Role-Model will consolidate all of those apps and remotes into one tool, your sapiens.

Professional Assistants Models

Your Companion Sapiens will change the way you work when professional grade role-models become available for all the major industries. Sapiens have an unprecedented potential to combine human expertise in network operations and security into the network itself, combining the flexibility and depth of human knowledge with the speed, bandwidth, and reliability of software.


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Made in Annapolis, MD



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