
for Businesses


for Businesses


Factors driving changes in the healthcare industry include insurance, professional liability, increased specialization, technology, consolidation, and government regulation. 
Pro-Series Sapiens solutions offer game changing possibilities for healthcare.


The origins of the technology that ultimately became sapiens had its roots in the commercial space industry two decades ago. Pro-Series Sapiens are very much up to the challenge of automating rocket science.

Industrial Systems

The cost of mistakes in industrial systems can be extremely high. Structure failures, a growing concern as the country’s civil infrastructure ages, can be catastrophic.
Pro-Series Sapiens applications can put cost-effective, automated human expertise in the loop to ensure real-time or accumulated sensor data is analyzed and acted upon when and where needed.

Telecomunications & Cyber Security

This industry and its associated infrastructure represent the nervous system of our digital civilization. All over the world highly trained experts in Network Operations Centers (NOCs) strive to keep information flowing to its intended destination efficiently, reliably, and securely. At the same time, other clandestine experts attempt to divert, disrupt or compromise that operation or gain access to information that is not theirs.

Customer Support

What if when you call customer support you connect instantly to sapiens that understand what you need and remember who you are and all your history with the company? Pro-Series Sapiens are ready to make that dream a reality.


for Individuals

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for Individuals

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Made in Annapolis, MD



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