
Sapiens Prime Directives

Sapiens Prime Directives

The possibility of building machines that are intelligent in the sense that we perceive ourselves to be intelligent has always been accompanied by a very reasonable concern: how can we make sure our creations will always serve us and not the other way around?

The Chatbot Controversy

The Chatbot Controversy

People familiar with New Sapience know we are one of the few companies that claim to be making progress towards Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). OpenAI is another. Many of our followers and investors want to get our take on the current controversy surrounding OpenAI’s ChatGPT and other Large Language Models (LLMs). The issues are not something that can be fairly dealt with in a couple of Twitter posts. So here is a concise roadmap to the controversy and how it looks from the New Sapience perspective.

A New Science of Artificial Intelligence

A New Science of Artificial Intelligence

A new theory on the nature and structure of knowledge and its relation to reality does for AI what the Periodic Table of the Elements did for Chemistry.

Aspirational AI

Aspirational AI

It happens like this: someone has a theory about what intelligence is and develops some software to implement it. Even if it does not work or doesn’t do anything that looks like intelligence, it is still considered “AI” because that is what they were aspiring to create.

The Hidden Structure of Knowledge

The Hidden Structure of Knowledge

Complex ideas are aggregates of simpler ones. The inescapable conclusion is that, if you keep decomposing ideas into their components, at some point you get to the end, or rather the beginning. This is the same conjecture that Democritus made about the material world: if you keep breaking things apart, eventually you get to the indivisible pieces he called “atoms.”

Artificial Neural Networks

Artificial Neural Networks

Today, the technical community, including Big Tech, government and academia have embraced artificial neural networks (ANNs) and Machine Learning (ML) as their preferred methodology. While this “data science” has led to many amazing applications that are impacting the way we live and work, misconceptions about what it is and its potential are widespread.

How We Got Here

How We Got Here

Some inventions, like our sapiens, come “out of left field,” the result of a series of unforeseeable influences and events, pieces of a puzzle that come together at a certain point in time independent of and often contrary to the technology mainstream.

Knowledge and Intelligence

Knowledge and Intelligence

The relationship between language and knowledge has fascinated philosophers since ancient times. One theory is that language is a prerequisite for knowledge and that knowledge cannot exist without it. We talk as though language contains knowledge. But a simple thought experiment proves otherwise.

Knowledge and Language

Knowledge and Language

The relationship between language and knowledge has fascinated philosophers since ancient times. One theory is that language is a prerequisite for knowledge and that knowledge cannot exist without it. We talk as though language contains knowledge. But a simple thought experiment proves otherwise.



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